Wednesday, August 01, 2007

First Day of Picking-Closed Tomorrow

Today was a hot one with temperatures soring as high as 98 degrees. We had blueberry pickers out at 6:30 am! The picking was good and over 1400 quarts were picked today.

But because so many berries were picked today we will need to close the farm to ripen the berries some more. I am hoping the berries will ripen enough to open on Saturday. I will check the fields Friday night and post to the blog.

There are more berries to come but they will need some time. The temperature is supposed to drop tonight and it is trying to rain. I hope this will help with all the berry ripening.

Thanks to all of you who came out today and everyone else for being patient. Hope to see you soon. Lynn


At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bluberries are fantastic! Yesterday was a great day for picking! =o) Walking through the field was like walking through heaven - as always! Thanks for another year of great blueberries (this was my third year picking).


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