Thursday, September 05, 2013

4 Pigs of Apocalypse

Yesterday I was driving the last leg home, on Klingville Rd, and there were four pigs walking up the road, AWAY from our farm. All were ours. I rolled down the window and called to them. They turned and followed. Apparently they know my voice. Called home and got Lynn to come out and meet us at the pen with some pig feed. The pigs followed my car all the way and returned to their pen. I toyed with seeing how fast they would run, but thought better of it and was just grateful they chose to follow instead of take off. Got them into the pen and repaired the fence. Really got lucky on the timing of when they escaped and when I decided to come home. Also lucky that there is not much traffic on Klingville Road and most people drive carefully. Also glad that there was no one "watching" (hearing)...


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