August 3rd Pre-Season Conditions
As a point of reference, today, the first Saturday of August, is about as early as we might ever open. We have opened as early as the last Saturday of July (last year), but most of the time we open some time between now and mid August. This past winter lasted longer than we have ever experienced, so everything has been late, and we really have not had the kind of weather that would allow crops to catch up. For example, our corn is not knee high and I have given up on it. I walked the patch last evening, and I would generously estimate the state of ripeness as 1%. I know, it ain't saying much, but it was the first day I have seen more than one completely ripe berry. I am still thinking that we are going to open Aug. 17th. Unlikely it will be earlier, but we will keep our fingers crossed and you posted.
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