Gierke Blueberry Farm
John, Lynn, Genny, and Mike Gierke moved to a blueberry farm in Klingville, MI, in July 2005. In addition to maintaining the conditions that yield literally tons of blueberries, we also raise small animals for fun, food, and market.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Olivia Anne (Libby) Joins the Farm
The newest addition to the family is a Brittany Spaniel puppy (born 2 April 2006). She is Mike's dog and he has named her Olivia Anne (after the patron saint (St. Anne) of the island of Brittany where the breed originated), but we call her Libby. She is rambunctious and precocious for a few hours in the morning and the evening, and otherwise sleepy. Our 9-yr old Golden likes playing with her for about 5 minutes per day, and otherwise wishes she would go away. Genny's parrot likes to terrorize the puppy as often as possible. It is hard to tell if the parrot is being trained to hunt bird dogs or vice versa.